Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I am very behind in my postings. I don't seem to have the time I need to have to get this stuff done. Eric being at home at night, is nice, but he is cramping my posting and general playing on the internet time. Blast you!...(j/k sweetheart!)
Gwen is getting more chatty, I think she is actually saying more words, but we don't realize it because of all the babbling she does. She doesn't talk much/or at all in public, but she does chatter up a blue streak at home! Today though, there were 2 incidents that made it clear that she is saying words. Tonight while I was making dinner I could hear her coming towards me talking I wasn't paying much attention until I turned around and realized she was holding my shoes saying "shoes,shoes,shoes....shoes" and was in fact holding them up to me to take them from her. I, of course, dutifully put on my shoes and finished what I was doing...dinner had to be in the oven for 20 minutes so I sat on the floor with her and asked her about her shoes. She walked right up to them picked one up came over and sat in my lap, handed me her shoe and stuck up her foot so I could put her shoe on. So, I dutifully put her shoe on the correct foot and she walked around for a couple seconds before bringing me the other shoe to put on. Unfortunately for Gwen, I was a terrible Mom and stopped putting pants on her at 4p. Gwen has been trying to drink from her sippy cup without the sippy cover, which makes for very wet pants! But here are some pictures of Gwen, in her stylin' outfit!
I don't usually look at Gwen and notice that she looks like one of us our another, but in that first picture, it is like looking at one of my baby pictures, I don't know if my Mom will agree, but I have seen that expression somewhere in our old photo albums...BTW Eric thinks I am nuts.

Here are some pictures from Friday, I tried to take a video of Gwen using her scooter, but the old camera doesn't really have as good resolution and you can't really see anything. She is pretty funny on the scooter, she kind of hops and then pushes herself backward, pretty funny. Lori gave Gwen this hat when we went on vacation a last week. Gwen likes to wear it around. Eric was putting it on different was, like backwards.

It is getting increasingly hard to take pictures of the moving target, especially with the old camera, it is very slow and many of the pictures are blurry, I apologize for that, but I think you would rather blurry pictures, than none at all, yes? So, the saga of the camera continues, I have yet again returned my camera to the store (this would be the 3rd visit for those keeping score at home), the last time the camera was sent out the people at the camera shop said that there was nothing wrong with it, well low and behold as soon as I tried to charge the damn thing it wouldn't work. BLASTED CAMERA! The guy at the store said I had to have it returned 4 times for the same problem before they will authorize a new one. I am not clear whether I would get a new camera of the same type of if I could fight to be able to get a new better camera that wasn't a lemon! I don't know if time #3 will count because the camera shop could not duplicate my problem. UGH! Anyway, have a great evening, hopefully I can kick the husband off the computer ever once and a while so I can post...I don't get to spend any time on the computer during the day, unlike some people!

PS have I mentioned that molar 1 is in molars 2, 3, & 4 have broken through the gums and hopefully we will soon have 4 molars and a better eater!

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