Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dr. appt

Today we had Gwen's 18 month well-baby visit. Things went very well, except or super shy baby curled up into me and wouldn't let go, if anyone else was in the room with us. Poor kid! I am not super surprised by this, because she seems to be completely channeling my personality. Let's up the new baby is not a Mini Me also! Although, then again, do I really want a child that is not shy and just walks up to strangers, not really! But, as usual I digress. This Dr's appt was very helpful to me, I have had a tough week as a Mommy, I think Gwen's illness (that we didn't realize she had until we came down with it!) started a week of doubt for me as a Mom, but hearing from the Dr that she is right on schedule and that I need to keep doing what I am doing. The only bad thing is that my egg experiment will have to continue! For the last 2 weeks everyday I make us a scrabbled egg and give Gwen maybe a tablespoon and eat the rest, in front of her, Gwen still is not eating it, but the CRNP said that I am going to have to keep doing that, because she will take a bite when she is ready and really hungry. The only problem with this is Gwen knows that she will be getting something else after this and she doesn't have to eat it. But to be encouraged everyday with lunch I also drink milk and today she had some of my milk! Of course I have drinking milk in front of her for probably a year now and do I really have the patience to eat an egg everyday for a year or 2! I am not sure, Eric says I am a patient person, but I don't know where he gets that from, he says I must be a good faker then! Anyhoo, her vital statistics:
Weight: 23 lbs 3 oz 30%
Height: 31.25 in 30%
She gained 1lb, 30z and 0.5 in.
The CRNP said that she is still on her growth curve so she is growing well and she has more than 3 words, which is what the expect for 18 months. So, I guess it is all good. I told her that Gwen has 10-15 words, I am going to do a count at the end of this post for posterity and for whenever I get around to scrapbooking this age!
Today it is snowing and people are being sent home from work (Eric included!) they are expecting the snow to turn to rain later which would make the evening commute fun, so I am glad for once that Eric was allowed to come home. We probably have about 4in and still snowing. Gwen is taking a nap currently! I was so excited I started to vacuum the whole house. I was told to quit when the husband had to make a conference call from the basement, so I guess after I finish this post I will finish the last room of the house! Go me! Maybe I can get some of this crap out of here/organized that has ventured out of the that I have finished my puzzle and feeling better about my house time to clean!
Gwen's words:
  1. dog (sometimes it is doooooooooog, you know when we are really excited!)
  2. Da-da/Daddy-whatever we feel like calling DadDY at the moment
  3. bubbles
  4. purple
  5. Oh-no
  6. shoes
  7. hi
  8. Elmo-finally no more Melmo!
  9. Belbow=elbow
  10. E=Erin, one of her little friends, I can't quite get what she is saying, but Erin's Mom and I think it is like E.
  11. O=open, out, on, this word is very contextual.
  12. noz=nose always accompanied by touching either her nose or someone else's.
  13. dri=drink this word is always accompanied with the sign for drink
  14. cereal-she doesn't exactly say cereal, but she does say something almost intelligible accompanied with the sign for cereal.
  15. Tatie-I think, for her little friend Katie
  16. Momma-she only seems to say this in the crib!
  17. hot dog
  18. up
Huh-so it appears that I didn't lie at the Dr's office...go me! She is starting to repeat more, so I can often say can you say and she will repeat it. Now I am going to list her signs.
  • bye
  • open
  • out
  • eat
  • drink
  • more
  • sleep
  • light
  • blanket
  • banana
  • apple
  • milk
  • quiet
  • toothbrush
  • stars
  • book
I think that is all the signs, we have a bedtime and a mealtime sign book and she knows all the signs from those 2 books!
Eric has the laptop, so I won't be able to post any pictures...if I get to it, until later.


Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

That's a lot of words! This will cut down IMMENSELY on the terrible twos especially with the signs.

My baby is 2 1/2 and only started talking in September. He had a rough beginning of life (he was placed with us as a foster child at 9 mos.) But once he started talking - there is NOTHING he won't try to say.

:)Good for you for teaching her signing! GREAT!!!!!

Melanie said...

thanks! I actually didn't think she had many words until I wrote these down. I thought she was a little behind. But, now I am not so concerned about terrible twos, I know they are going to happen, esp with the new baby coming right before she turns 2.
Thanks for dropping by my site, I have been lurking over at your site for a little while.