Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Aka a long day for an overtired pregnant Mommy and her overtired almost 2 year old. So here is the graduation report, from my perspective, and since Eric says the blog is my thing, you won't likely get his perspective! You've been warned. As I already reported yesterday, Wed we went to Gettysburg which meant Gwen got only a car nap. I really wanted her to get a crib nap, but that wasn't in the car. Needless to say, little girl woke up early and we got ready and left for Eric's graduation in B'more. He had 2 ceremonies that day the first was the conferring of the degree for the entire Johns Hopkins campuses, all the students that officially graduated summer, fall and spring, bachelors, masters and doctorates. Thank goodness they decided to confer the degrees for the undergrads and masters. The doctorates actually received their diplomas. I as usual picked the wrong side to actually see Eric, but since as you see it was outside, no big deal to walk around to the other side so we could get a glimpse at Eric. (well, no big deal for an obviously pregnant woman, small child and Grandmom; we saw them stop other people) We missed the beginning of the ceremony, but they were still running the shuttle golf carts so we got to ride on that, as you can see from the picture, I am not sure Gwen was so thrilled!

I circled Eric in red, can you see him!
We were too lazy to get seats after we walked around so we stood there and some people made a fuss over Gwen and how cute she was. She added the beads herself, did I mention it was windy and a little chilly.
You can see Eric towards the end of the line waving at us.
Found, Daddy, Gwen wasn't quite so sure about Daddy in that getup!
Proud Mom!
Our family portrait! Sorry #2, might be a while before we get a new portrait.
I sometimes can't help the corny pictures. I come by it honestly.
After the 2 hour ceremony we went to lunch. We were fortunate to stumble onto a Ruby Tuesdays that no other graduates had found yet. Then we went to the bookstore and let Gwen run around a little bit and we headed over to the next ceremony for the business masters. BTW has anyone ever heard of a Masters of Science in Real Estate? What classes do you take? Does that boost your career in Real Estate? We were fortunate enough to get a seat on the end, right up front, well as front as you can get since they had all the graduates sitting in front of us. We were unfortunate to seat on the wrong side, Eric was on the end on the other side. POOP! We were also unfortunate enough to sit behind the Honorary speakers wife, who seemed to be rather unhappy to be there, or maybe she was just unhappy that a woman with a 2 year old was sitting behind her. Let me just say, Gwen was a perfect angel for being up all day, earlier than usual and the ceremony was of course right during her nap time. After the ceremony we ran to the cars and sat in traffic, Gwen feel asleep in about 5 minutes into the car ride home. By the time we got home she was awake and CRANKY! Just crying over anything.

I tried to get some practice pictures so I could get a picture of Eric with his diploma, but it didn't work out, so you will see the head of the department above, and the cranky wife's husband!
Should have taken a picture of the wife, she gave me plenty of opportunities when she was giving me the evil eye!

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