Tuesday, September 05, 2006

More pictures

This weekend my cousin Pete visited. He also shares his birthday with Gwen. We had a nice time with him, so nice we forgot to take pictures, save this one.Uncle Bill, Aunt Nanette, Sammy & JJ also came up to visit. We had a nice dinner with them and they finally got to see how alert Gwen is.

We also took our first family photo, gosh do I love a tripod. We will have to work with Gwen on looking at the camera! We thought if we took a family photo we could see resemblance better, but I still can't tell. I guess when she gets older. Or, I may never know, I have never been real good at telling who babies look like, so please don't ask me!
These will probably be the last photos of Gwen published until we get to FL on Thursday. I have no idea how much time I will have tomorrow. I still have to pack and tomorrow Gwen and I go to the 'New Mother Get Together' at the wellness center.
On an exciting note, Gwen is really taking in her surroundings, although she has always looked around, now she studies stuff. This weekend she noticed her feet. It was quite funny she got this big look in her eyes and kept looking at them. I am not sure she realizes they are connected to her, but she wanted to bend to look at them! I also think her 'receding hairline' is filling in.

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