Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Today is Gwen's first birthday, as many of you know! Today the godfather turns 30...HI! He is coming over to dinner tonight to celebrate the shared birthdays. Today is also cousin Pete's birthday and cousin Jan's birthday. Happy birthday to you also!
Now that we got that out of the way. My little one is officially 1, now we can turn the carseat around and she can see us. I wonder how she'll like that. Yesterday she got her 1 year pictures taken, can I tell you how hard it is with a child that moves. Gwen lost interest at about 2 shots in, we still got some good pictures, I don't know how. If I can figure out how to get the pics on here illegally I will, cause I know you all will love them! I don't have much time to type right now, Tues is bathroom cleaning day during the first nap, plus I have to bake a cake! So, I better get started in case someone tries to spoil my plan, you wouldn't know anyone who would do that, would you?

1 comment:

Aardvark said...

Scout loved it when we turned her around!
Happy Birthday Gwen!