Monday, February 05, 2007

Funny story

As you know Gwen has been sick for over a week. The Dr had recommended that we have her sleep on an incline, like in her car seat. I totally dismissed that idea because Gwen moves around so much she would not likely fall asleep. But then when I later talked to the nurse she recommended the swing, so I tried that, but that failed miserably, so I decided to roll up a towel and put under one side of the crib. Ok, so I know that is no genius idea, but it took over a week for it to dawn on me. When I went to pick up Gwen from her nap she had totally moved herself from the incline and made it into a decline! BRAT! So, I put a towel on the other end of the bed so now it looks like a U, but 50% of the time I think she is sleeping on a slight incline, not the decline and 50% of the time she is in the middle sleeping flat. I tell you she is a lot of fun!
I have decided to try posting videos. I have no idea how this will work, but I have had this thought for some time. One of my friends mentioned and all though that is a good site, I am a little weirded out that anyone could easily view her video and it be downloaded all over the world. I don't know why that freaks me out when this blog is public, but it does. So I am going to try using photobucket. Let me know how this works for you. If I did this correctly the video should be linked here. (Click on the word here). You should enjoy a video of Gwen eating and trying to become more proactive about eating. Enjoy

1 comment:

amyfruity said...

Those were some great videos..... :o) In case you haven't deciphered what Miss Gwen is saying.....She's saying...."Feed me faster mommy because this food is oh so yummy!".....haha....How cute! Morgan finally came home from his 1 year deployment yesterday...WOOHOO!!! So we're going to go out and buy Brian a high chair today....I've been feeding him in his bouncy chair and it's getting rather messy....