Monday, February 26, 2007

Snow day

Sunday we had lots of snow! Ok, maybe only 6in, but when they predict 1-2 and you get 6, that is lots of snow. Here are Gwen and Eric watching me play! Gwen making her first snow angel.

Can you see the angel? This is a test!
See that big mound of snow in front of me, that is the bottom of a snow man! The snow was finally good enough for me to attempt my first snow man! YEA!
Ok, so maybe I don't exactly know how to make the snow balls round, and Eric was no help, he did the bottom "ball".
Since our snowman wasn't perfect we improvised with the objects to make him look real!

Gwen trying to pull off her mittens, but we knew better and took her inside!
ok, after 1 more picture, then inside for sure!
I put Gwen down for a nap after the snowman extravaganza and we looked out the window and one of our neighbors across the street was making a snowman, whose picture will not be posted because it so puts ours to shame! Eric and I were mesmerized watching this couple make the snowman, instead of taking a much needed nap we watched them put the snowman together. They had already made the balls, so we didn't learn how to do that, but now I totally know how to make sure it wouldn't fall! Eric knocked ours down because we didn't want to be sued by the neighbors when it fell down.


amyfruity said...

Snowmen.....Ahh...I didn't know how to make them either (I mean what do you expect from 2 Florida chicks anyway?) Morgan taught me how to make our first one over here in Germany. I always just piled the snow in a big pile and tried to pack it down with my hands and make it round......Morgan showed me that you have to ROLL the snowballs......So you make a big snowball with your hands and then start rolling it on the ground.....You keep changing directions to make sure it stays round and not lopsided. Then once you get it to the size you want you're done...You do it to all three sections. I LOVE the windshield wiper blades as the mouth and arms....Now that's creative! Gwen's snow angel was adorable! :o)

Melanie said...

changing directions you say, huh! That is where I went wrong, you think Eric would have known that being from MD and all, don't you?