Wednesday, July 23, 2008

will I ever finish anything again?

I put these pictures in on Monday and I haven't had time to write the accompanying post. I wrote it in my head on Monday and of course, I can't remember now all the fun and humorous things I was going to say! These pictures of Nathan are from 2 Fridays ago. Nathan has been "smiling" at us for a while. He actually gave me what I would consider a real smile yesterday. Wohoo! Look at my cutey pie!
We were trying our best to cheer up Daddy after a long week at work.
Here is Gwen enjoying one of her toys from her birthday. It is now filled with rocks and entirely too many objects in that little green part to actually get your hand in there or anything.
Here is Gwen enjoying another birthday present. Her bubble machine, she calls it bubble gum. I don't know why, but she does!
Hopefully there will be another post today, I still have to download pictures that I know I am going to want to post. But at least I finally found 10 minutes to finish this post!

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