Friday, December 04, 2009


As I said after my November posting, I have been pretty busy with Christmas stuff. I received our Christmas cards and I now have them all addressed, well I have 2 people I don't have addresses for, so they might not get cards, now I just have to write out the notes and wait for Eric to come home with the stamps. I already have 8 done, now 50 more to go! I know that many people still send out the "Christmas letter", but I just can't do that I like sending notes, the personal-ness of that and not having to write something that I can send to everyone. Don't get me wrong, I love getting the Christmas letter and reading what is going on in people's lives, it just doesn't work for me!
I haven't posted pictures in a while, so I thought I should post our "leftover" Thanksgiving pictures. Here is Nate with one of the dogs. I can't remember which dog this is, but Nate has his beloved toy, so he kept a keen eye on Nate.

Nate would try to give the dog the toy, we couldn't really figure it out, whether he wanted to give up the toy or not, he would kind of hold out his hand a say "doggie". The dog would take it from him, but I think that freaked out Nate also...poor guy wasn't quite sure!
I snuck upstairs to take this shot of the girls. I think Angela might have been reading to her, I don't know...
Angela also brought down some castle stuff the girls played with right before we left.
As I said before, all-in-all a good day!

1 comment:

the Provident Woman said...

You are way ahead of me. I haven't even figured out what kind of cards we are going to send out this year.

I'm giving away a signed Pioneer Woman cookbook on my site. Click on the giveaway picture in one of the right sidebars to get to it.