Thursday, January 31, 2008
The mimic
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Eating day2
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Water babies wk3!
Last night's eating wasn't terrible either. Gwen actually ate broccoli, something she hasn't done in months, but I guess based on what else was on her plate it was truly her best option. I do have to admit that since I didn't have time to marinate the chicken it was gross, very dry. She appears to not like potatoes in their baked form. Tonight we are having terriyaki marinated chicken and sweet potatoes with broccoli. Well see how that goes.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
PS every project in our house is at the 90% completed state, we are hoping that soon we will actually start having stuff 100% done, but until you try to sell a house do you every get a project 100% completed?
This picture right here shows why we, namely me haven't been able to get pictures of Gwen lately. Every time she sees the camera she runs at me so by the time I get the camera turned on and a picture snapped, this is what we end up with! In your face Mommy! This weekend as I mentioned, we visited Edie. We don't get up to see Edie as often as we probably should, but with Gwen it is often amazing that we attempt to get in the car and drive anywhere that takes 2 hours, it used to be so daunting because she would scream! But this time she was great in the car, unfortunately I didn't bring her enough books, I had toys, but only 4 books. She was very shy with Edie. Last Monday was Edie's 82nd birthday so we were planning on going up and visiting for her birthday and I was going to bring cupcakes, have I mentioned that I got a cookbook for Christmas that has 500 muffin/cupcake recipes. So I made orange chocolate cupcakes and we went up to visit Edie. We went to lunch and chatted for a while.
This is the closest Gwen would get to Edie, but as you can see she really enjoyed the cupcake! Edie suggested we get pictures of the chocolate face!
Soon after these pictures we realized it was time to go. Gwen started to act crazy, her I am starting to get tired, fall on the floor randomly and cry when Mommy walked 2 steps out of the kitchen and made me stay in the kitchen with Edie and Grandma. We had a nice visit with Edie, on the way home we realized that if we don't get up to Edie's again in the next few months we won't get up there until after June sometime when we will have to contend with traveling with 2 babies! AH!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Water babies wk2!
We don't get the paper, and I don't keep up the news as I should, but I do keep up with some comic strips, you know we all have to have priorities! Last week I could really relate to For Better or For Worse. This comic strip from Friday I think really sums up some of the days of a SAHM. Of course Thursday's wasn't so bad either.
Got some work done last night and usual these things usually spur me on to get some work done, so we are going to try to start a monthly scrapbooking group, I need that so I can get all these pictures of Gwen into a hard copy format. I would really like to have Gwen's pictures in a hard copy so we can look through them together and so when Grandmas come to visit or we go to visit people we can refresh her memory that she knows these people, I hope that will go a long way to help Gwen and her shyness. One of the women last night said it is fun to see Gwen come out of her shell and to light up when she sees people she knows and 'talk' to them. All right, Gwen is finally up after a 4 hour nap. Our poor girl I guess is pretty tired. Oh, have I mentioned that she has started to drink chocolate milk! How exciting is that! Now if we could get her to eat something besides hot dogs and carbs we would have real progress!
Monday, January 21, 2008
We were busy this weekend, It is pretty cold here, hasn't gotten above freezing in a couple days. I hope to upload pictures sometime, but tonight I am going over to a girlfriend's house to scrapbook. Gotta get some work done before the next baby comes. Hopefully I will actually get some work done!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Dr. appt
Weight: 23 lbs 3 oz 30%
Height: 31.25 in 30%
She gained 1lb, 30z and 0.5 in.
The CRNP said that she is still on her growth curve so she is growing well and she has more than 3 words, which is what the expect for 18 months. So, I guess it is all good. I told her that Gwen has 10-15 words, I am going to do a count at the end of this post for posterity and for whenever I get around to scrapbooking this age!
Today it is snowing and people are being sent home from work (Eric included!) they are expecting the snow to turn to rain later which would make the evening commute fun, so I am glad for once that Eric was allowed to come home. We probably have about 4in and still snowing. Gwen is taking a nap currently! I was so excited I started to vacuum the whole house. I was told to quit when the husband had to make a conference call from the basement, so I guess after I finish this post I will finish the last room of the house! Go me! Maybe I can get some of this crap out of here/organized that has ventured out of the that I have finished my puzzle and feeling better about my house time to clean!
Gwen's words:
- dog (sometimes it is doooooooooog, you know when we are really excited!)
- Da-da/Daddy-whatever we feel like calling DadDY at the moment
- bubbles
- purple
- Oh-no
- shoes
- hi
- Elmo-finally no more Melmo!
- Belbow=elbow
- E=Erin, one of her little friends, I can't quite get what she is saying, but Erin's Mom and I think it is like E.
- O=open, out, on, this word is very contextual.
- noz=nose always accompanied by touching either her nose or someone else's.
- dri=drink this word is always accompanied with the sign for drink
- cereal-she doesn't exactly say cereal, but she does say something almost intelligible accompanied with the sign for cereal.
- Tatie-I think, for her little friend Katie
- Momma-she only seems to say this in the crib!
- hot dog
- up
- bye
- open
- out
- eat
- drink
- more
- sleep
- light
- blanket
- banana
- apple
- milk
- quiet
- toothbrush
- stars
- book
Eric has the laptop, so I won't be able to post any pictures...if I get to it, until later.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
New hat...and dress
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Water babies
Monday, January 14, 2008
Update and other things
Sunday, January 13, 2008
So, I finally got this video to post! This is Gwen and her craziness in the evening. The top one is from about 2 weeks ago, this bottom one is from this weekend. ENJOY!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
The end of the Christmas pictures
These pictures are from last weekend, one of my girlfriends sent me some maternity clothes. Along with it, besides lovely pictures from the girls was a little present for Gwen. It is called a 'pet store' pet, a little dog, with a big head and a little carrier for said dog. She does like to carry around the dog and put other stuff in the carrier.
I'll have more pictures/videos to upload, I am hoping this week. We'll see!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
18 months
So, today Gwen is 18 months old. When people ask how old Gwen is I can officially say 1.5 yrs. We have been battling sicknesses and food strikes for the last couple of days which has made life not so fun in the last couple of weeks. We had some of the kids over from SS yesterday, everyone seemed to have a good time. Gwen was remarkably well behaved since everyone was touching her stuff! She didn't get mad or pick fights...I was so proud! She did start to lose it toward the end, she was starting to get hungry and kept leading me into the kitchen and trying to get in her high chair. I gave her a banana to tide her over and that worked well. I think she also wanted to be in the kitchen because no one else was in there but us, and that was just fine for her. It is a little overwhelming to have 11 kids running around, ok so 4 of them are not mobile, but Gwen is not used to having that many guests over.
So, what is new with Gwen these days, she is becoming very charming, she likes to wave at people and she will "talk" to people she knows. She is very good with the baby signs and is using more intelligible words, which is nice. We are still working on context though. She knows that when we go up the stairs she says up, but lately she has been saying up also for going down the stairs. I don't know if that is because she associates stairs with up, because she crawls up those by herself (without any help) and often gets distracted, when it is cold outside and I have stuff in my hands I work hard to keep her on task by saying up up up.
She definitely has likes and dislikes and doesn't mind telling you what she wants or needs. Her baby signs are improving everyday. She is so cute when she does the signs and is so expressive. One of these days when she starts talking we are going to be sorry.
The food strike appears to be over, for a little while. I still need to figure out how to get her to try new things, which she so politely hands new foods back to me. I am trying a new experiment with the eating, I will let you know how it goes at the end. We have a Dr's appt next week so we will see how she is doing based on other babies her age. I think she will only have 1 shot this visit, so we are looking forward to that!
Next week we are also starting swim lessons. That should be super exciting! Ok, so I have no idea how she will react to the water and I am not looking forward to being in a bathing suit at any stage of the pregnancy nor do I have a bathing suit that will likely fit and class starts Tues. AH! One of my friends also scheduled for the class said I should wear a 2 piece. Not likely! I have only worn a 2 piece once in public, and that was on my honeymoon.
No pictures or videos with this post. I have been trying to post a video for over an hour and it hasn't worked out, maybe I will post some pictures later, like in the next couple of days, but it seems that I will never get that video posted. Sorry!