Monday, January 14, 2008

Update and other things

I realize that I have been terrible about uploading pictures, I am not sure that you can rely on that this week. We are super busy with appointments. Today we had the ultrasound, I will write more about that later in the post. Here are some pictures of Gwen and Eric from Friday. Eric wasn't feeling well and wanted to sleep, but as you can sleep, Gwen wanted nothing to do with that! She kept going to get books and climbing onto the couch so he could read to her. I thought she was going to let me read some to her, but she faked me out, as usual.

We had the ultrasound this morning. As many of you might know, I am not the most patient person in the world and almost walked out! I really feel like, if you are going to be 1/2 hour behind you should definitely let the pregnant person know, especially when you are supposed to have a full bladder (and apparently have to sustain that for an hour!), and you have a 1.5yr old (who pooped in the waiting room and we had to change her in the waiting room, b/c they don't have changing tables!) Eric walked up there before I was getting ready to leave and asked when we were going back and they were like oh, we are done now. I mean seriously, what is it about Dr's offices that believe that their time is more valuable than mine! What this translates to, is that we didn't get home until 12:30 (the appt was for 11 and we don't live more than 15 minutes away!) Shouldn't they have some kind of system like restaurants to manage your expectation of waiting times. You know when you come into the office, they say I am sorry the Dr is running behind today and give you estimate of your wait. I mean if they just told you up front, you could be much less irritated! Now, if you yourself are late for the appt (which we weren't) then I can understand having to wait. IRRITATION HIGH! I thought we were supposed to keep pregnant women calm! The reason this is important is because Gwen didn't get lunch until 1p, which is when she is usually already in bed, which means as I type this she is still not down for her nap, because she was sleepy in the car on the ride home, maybe I should have just put her straight down when we got home, but I thought she might be hungry (she wasn't). So now, 2 hours later, still no nap and I have to go to the grocery store and I didn't get my vacuuming done...this throws off my whole week people! Just when we are getting our schedule under control. Tomorrow is water babies, TH is Gwen's Dr's appointment! AH!
But, I guess you are probably still reading this waiting for news on the new baby. We did not find out the sex of the baby. We find out that this baby is pretty normal measurements...the head seems to be measuring normal (I asked since Gwen's head was larger than normal). The Dr. even gave us some 3D views of the baby. He gave us a nice picture of the foot, so cute! No telling whether or not this baby will have my nose (we could tell that with Gwen). So everything appears to be good with the baby, heart rate good, and all vital organs checked out as they should. Yeah baby! Oh and they are estimating 120z.
Alright, I guess it is time to go get Gwen, she has had 2 hours of 'quiet time' and although she is not screaming, I don't know if I want her to fall asleep now, it is 3:30 and that will throw off bed time. UGH! Dang Dr's office!


Liesa said...

I am glad all's well with baby #2... What is the official due date? Fun times at the doctor. I've had similar experiences - and you are right - when you need it, why is there NEVER a changing station? ARGH!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mel!
I remember those full bladder days. mostly I remember having to pee so bad it hurt!! Serves them right that you had to change Gwen in the waiting room. A gyn office should have a changing table for goodness sakes!
I gotta tell ya I loooove those pics of Miss Gwen with the pigtails! When she was littler I thought she looked a lot like Eric but lately the pics have really looked like you and your dad. She is a beautiful little girl! And I am not just saying that because she is my 2nd cousin :) Coudin Jen