Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Bye Daddy!

Eric left this evening for NY. Fortunately for us he left at bedtime so Gwen didn't get too upset, we will see how it goes tomorrow and the next day and the next day. Also, fortunately for us Eric has been sick for the last 2 days, (not fortunately for Eric) but that did mean that Gwen got 2 extra days with him that we would have otherwise would not have seen him, because he was supposed to be at meetings and gone all day, as far as Gwen would be concerned. Apparently sleeping all morning the last 2 days really did the trick, and Eric might not be 100%, but he is back on eating solids. Hopefully this will be the last time he gets to sick/has to leave town for a while. We have stuff to do, I mean, I am 32 weeks! Still no crib set up, official name or any of the other things we should probably do! (I am not panicking yet our anything, can you tell?) We did finally fill out the useless paperwork for the hospital, but sadly I don't think we have mailed it yet. Probably should take care of those things, but we have some visitors coming next week and we NEED to get a space clean so people can get through downstairs...i.e. we need to finish cleaning out the "cave".
The baby in the belly seems to be getting more uncomfortable in his/her surroundings. He/she does not seem to like me exercising and when I sit down in the evenings, or any other time I have more than 5 minutes of sitting he/she exerts their need for me to move. This is something I don't remember with Gwen, I am hoping that this is a good sign...i.e. we won't be trying to take up a permanent residence in my belly, unlike their older sister! Fortunately, we are still not interrupting my sleep, which Gwen certainly did 3:30am every morning I woke up with Gwen. I do not wake up with this child in the middle of the night, I do however wake up at 7ish. I have a hard time falling asleep and if something or someone wakes me up in the middle of the night it takes a LONG time for me to fall back to sleep! Can I tell you how unpleasant that is? I am hoping that I will not have that problem after the baby comes. Which I guess means that now that I have heard from Eric that he has landed safely, I better go to sleep. I don't have any one to get up with Gwen but myself, although I have been getting up with her for almost a week, so I should be used to it. It is quite annoying to have a chipper baby say Daddy in the morning to you, when you know she knows you are not Daddy! I know this Daddy obsession is a good thing for when the baby arrives but the constant Daddy calling is going to drive a Mommy crazy over the next couple of days. At least she now has a name for me, she never used to call me anything, I was apparently just the crazy lady who stayed with her all day. But, now I am "Mom", not Mommy, not Momma, but "Mom". So gratifying to finally hear her call out for me and cry for me, you know and not just for Daddy! Sometimes it is just nice to be recognized...wouldn't you say Eric?

1 comment:

Maddie makes 4 said...

Ik now it is not fair! We moms do most of the hard stuff, pregnancy, labor, middle of the night feedings andthen the babies cry for daddy!
I guess we can take comfort in knowing that we moms have chose good men to be our babies daddy!