Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We made it

I have realized that since my Mom and I have gotten webcams I have noticed that I haven't felt the pressure to update with pictures and stuff. Or maybe I am just getting lazy or busy. Eric did finally make it home. I felt terrible on Friday, but then Eric made it home and Gwen you know was so happy, I was so happy.
We got so much done this weekend! We got the crib up, complete with mattress. We pulled Gwen baby stuff out of the cave and we will try to bring it back up around the house and hope that Gwen will EVENTUALLY realize that she can not sit in the swing or the bouncy seat or her car seat, especially when it is otherwise occupied by a baby! I also pulled out the neutrals from Gwen's old clothes and now have to launder them.
Here are some pictures from our play group, of course I didn't get any pictures with her smiling, but she did have a great time.
We now have a problem though, before the play group Gwen never went near these type of ladderish things at the play grounds, but now she totally thinks she can do it. Poop! Way more work for Mommy...seriously that kid is fearless at the play ground.

The 2 things I got pictures of were her favorites, this one with the slide she would take a ball throw it through and chase after it, yelling about the ball! At one point while one of the other Moms and I were talking Gwen leaned back her head and squealed at the top of her lungs. We were both like, guess she is having a good time!
We are quite busy this week. Grandma and Aunt E will be here Thursday for a couple of days. Not sure I will get much posting while they are here. Really not sure I will get much done at all while they are here, so nothing big better happen while I am "gone"!

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