Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Have I mentioned yet, I love having a house! Now I might spend a lot of time cussing that the inside is too small or I don't have space, but to have the usable outdoor space, that is well, that is fabulous. We also have 2 huge trees in the front yard. These trees, also great for me. See, I grew up in FL as many of you know and I don't really understand fall on a level many do. So to have a tree, to rake up the leaves for that the kids and I can play in, awesome!
Monday after our music class, the neighbor kids came over to play in our leaves (they donated the rakes!) They showed Nate and Gwen what to do. The squeals of joy could probably be heard into the next county.
Eventually everyone had to go home and the kids got to play by themselves in the leaves.
They mostly like walking through the leaves.
This little one, here is obsessed with the leaves, she kept saying to me things like "Melanie, we need more leaves, the pile needs to be much bigger". She would have stayed all afternoon, I have told her she could come back and have been increasing the pile everyday.
Eric says we have to move the pile or it is going to kill all the grass! :( Hopefully a week or so of leaves won't do too much damage, because I get to see things like this...
I mean, who gets to see princesses raking leaves with such good form! Also when Eric came home that night we buried Eric and kids in the leaves, who knew you could do that! Nate also appears to be sick, runny nose and cranky. That's all I can report, because that's all I know!
In other news, I have again signed up for NaBloPoMo, I have not been doing very well updating this blog and hopefully this will help me keep up with it. Because last year I won a prize!!! Wohoo! Of course I won't likely win a prize again this year, but I still need to post more often.


Jamie said...

where do I sign up for this NaBloPomo thing? I need some motivation for my blog posting...
The leaves look so fun!

Melanie said...

dude! I totally figured out how to ad a "badge" and link it. If you go on my blog you will see the badge about the NaBloPoMo it will take you right to the site, I hope you win a prize!
The leaves were fun, we are/have enjoyed them and there are a LOT more to drop!