Friday, January 26, 2007

But I studied, what do you mean I failed?

So, Monday I have to get a drug test. I have never had to get a drug test before, but apparently when you work for a temp company they make you do one. Why might you ask am I working for a temp company? Well, I will be going back to work for maybe a month. I will be setting up a lab for my former employer, it seems too good to be true. They will give me a laptop, I can work whenever I want (i.e. in the evenings) and I have my own peon! Wohoo. So, as long as I can pass the pee test I should be ok. Until I start work, I will be able to update regularly, but after that, I might not be as active updating, but it should only be a month or so. My Mom says you can survive anything for a month (ok, maybe 2-3 weeks is what she said, but a month isn't that much longer. So here are some pictures from this week.
This is the finished floor, with the furniture. Pretty nice, yes?
Now that it is cold here, Gwen can wear her sweaters and stuff. This is a sweater given to her by one of her great Aunts (& great Uncle). It zips up the back. So fun, but sometimes men suspect she is a boy when she wears it. I am convinced though that men just are silly when it comes to guessing the sex of a baby, I have had Gwen in all pink and men will say "he is so cute." DUH! She is in pink. Anyhoo, I digress.

I think it is a way cool sweater, and even though I didn't get a good picture, she is cute in it, (Eric just called her a 'garden gnome', he is funny, yes?)
Wednesday we had book club, Riley made her first appearance. We had a good time. It was Riley's first visit to our house and Gwen slept through it. Oh well. I am SURE, Riley will be coming back over again.
I don't remember what I was trying to get a picture of here, but Gwen totally clammed up.
Yesterday, Gwen and I drove down to see AJ, Gwen seemed very interested in AJ here while he was working on holding up his head.
AJ seemed interested in Gwen, until he got hungry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The floor looks awesome!!

Good luck with your new job-how great!!

We love seeing all the pics! Gwen is a looker!
Love ya!

Grand MaFitz