Sunday, January 28, 2007


Miss Gwen is sick, again. I suspect she has another cold. She is acting normal besides the runny nose and cough, so pictures might not be available for awhile. I would like to mention that she is starting to grow longer hairs on her head. I have counted 20 that are longer than 4 in. Now, you might wonder why would I count the longer hairs, and when do I have the time? Well, I don't know where I got the time, but the way her hair is growing in it made me curious. I mean she has these hairs on the top of her head that aren't all together but kind of stick up, from far away you can't tell, but when you stare at her all day, you can see them pretty good, so I counted. (You must be thinking now, gosh, it might be good for Melanie to get back to work.) Hopefully little G will be better soon and we can resume pictures, but the ones I could have taken today would have not been very flattering.
PS have you seen that Volvo commercial with the little girl that just keeps talking and talking, I am pretty sure that is going to be our Gwen, she so intently stares at us you could swear she is talking, she is moving her mouth and no words are coming out. She also babbles to Eric and I incessantly, she doesn't always babble in front of strangers, but when it is just Eric and I she is babbling monster.

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