Saturday, May 17, 2008


I don't know if this is going to work, I seem to have a problem getting the videos to publish from Photobucket and I can't tell from the preview if this is working.
This is a video to accompany the pictures from the previous post.

I also just figured out what she is saying, I think. "ug" means Hug, I guess she wanted to hold/hug a specific babies. Within the last day or 2 I just realized she says Hug when she wants you to pick her up. Sorry about the video, really I have a hard time appease her Babies needs and holding the camera steady and yes that is every stuffed animal we have in her room (no babies or Gwens were hurt in the filming of this video, despite my terrible aim!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute! I love the look she gives you when you hand her Eeyore. It's like, "Well, not EXACTLY what I'm trying to tell you, but you tried so, okay. I'll take him."