Wednesday, November 15, 2006

New stuff

Tomorrow is Gwen's 4 month check-up, thanks for all who guessed a weight and height. I think she might be closer to 15 lbs then 14. She also had a growth spurt, so I think she might be closer to 26 in. We will see. Today instead of going to Stroller Strides I went to the FMH thing I went to in Sept. They had a woman their talking about Baby Signs. I have an interest in teaching Gwen baby signs, I have actually already started incorporating sign language into our daily life, using the few signs I have learned. The woman talking today was a little odd, but she apparently leads a play group with other Moms incorporating sign language for babies, which I found out is different than sign language for adults. I guess it is much the same as adult sign language, they just use some words in 'baby sign language' that is easier for a baby's lack of motor control than adult sign language. The woman talking holds a play group every Monday to help facilitate the baby signs, I think it wouldn't hurt to try, meet some more Moms (plus its free). I have a cousin that is a sign language interpreter and when I was in WI my cousin Kelly had taught Lily signs and she was using them, it was so cute. Megan mentioned a website to use to get some signs, but I forgot the website that had the information. Maybe, some kind person (who sent me a lovely letter this week) could email me the website.
We have been pretty busy this week. Miss Gwen has been taking 2 naps this week, only 45 minutes at a time. As soon as she wakes up I usually have my shoes on and we go somewhere. As you can see from the following picture I have started using the 'ribbon blanket', we used to use the other white blanket, but I found her eating the ends and found pieces of it in her mouth. That means, new blanket! She has started holding on to it and looking at it.

I am pretty sure that Gwen's car toy is possessed, the little $1 toy I got from the Nearly New Kids sale, has gone off the last 2 nights at about 5p, by gone off I mean plays music. It has a remote, so I am wondering if one of the kids playing outside had something that caused it to start playing, very spooky!
In other news, I saw the funniest thing today. Someone backed into the grocery store cart container, then left his car their. I drove by (just to make sure that my eyes weren't deceiving me.) He actually left his car there, my question is, how did he not see it. I mean it actually had carts in there, how could you not see the thing, it has a roof and bright red sides?!? But, made me giggle.
Have I mentioned that Gwen started giggling, I mean she has been giggling for a while, but Sunday she really started what sounded like a real giggle, Eric and I have been trying to reproduce that giggle with much success! It is nice to have more sounds than crying coming from her mouth. We stopped by Eric's work today after the FMH group for lunch and she charmed everyone there.
I went back to WW. Goodness, I have a lot of work to do. But, I guess that is to be expected, I get lazy and irresponsible about eating, it was especially hard when Gwen was incredibly fussy. But, now that she is sleeping and going to bed early, eating has become easier. I really have no excuse.
Sometime tomorrow I will try to get online and let you know about Gwen's appointment. There is still time (until I post tomorrow) to get your guess for height and weight in!

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