Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tuesday sleep update

Last night sleep was heavenly. Gwen cried for sometime less than 45 minutes, I don't know when she fell asleep. I put her to sleep at 6p at about 6:45 I asked Eric to turn on the monitor, and there was no noise, we looked at each other perplexed...Eric asked, do you have the monitor on? I said, yes other was it would make that horrid noise (although I did doubt myself). She woke up at 1am and 7am. I guess 7am was her waking up time for the day, I put her back in her crib hoping she would go back to sleep, Eric went in and picked her up at about 7:45. I tried to lay her down again at 8:30, Eric picked her up again. (Do you sense a theme?) He is about to leave for work, so I should be able to try to get her to sleep again. She is pretty funny though, I was listening to her talk to herself trying to stay awake! Have a great day, update later.


amyfruity said...

YAY!! Congratulations! I've only had one lucky night where Brian only woke up once. He doesn't like naps very much either but he's doing better. We're coming to visit the grandparents in a week so it will be interesting to see how the plane ride goes. It's 9 hours and 50 minutes to Cincinnati and then another hour to Huntsville. I hope he does as well as Gwen did. Glad things are going well!

Anonymous said...

Hey Melanie!
Since Gwen woke once, you're on the right track!! Once Drew & Jack got in that routine of once a night, it stayed that way till they were 1. It was a breeze. We'd wake up around 7 as well and go, go, go till 10:30 nap and up around 11:30 and down again around 2:30 for another hour or so. But they stayed up a little later (8). Anyway - it looks like we'll be losing sleep again next summer...

Melanie said...

Amy-the only thing I can tell you is try to keep Brian from eating until you are about to take off. (That is my secret, plus you can enjoy people giving you dirty looks.)
Liesa-I would love Gwen to go to sleep later, but since she refuses to nap she is exhausted. Unfortuantely she doesn't get to spend much time with Eric that way, but at least she is not fussy/crying. Any pointers on the nap? Are we expecting another Burke? If so congrats!

Anonymous said...

No more nap advice - Drew wasn't a great napper, but Jack was religious about his naps. Every child is different and what worked for me probably wouldn't work for you. She'll be out of this stage before you know it :)

We recently found out a new Burke is in the works. Probably another boy - but that's fine for us!!