Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I've been a pretty big slacker these days when it comes to dinner.  I have been uninspired and lazy.  Tonight I had a Mom's group meeting and there were 2 nutritionists there, one was a holistic nutritionist who kind of took over the meeting.  I have been trying to pull the snacks foods out of the house, preferring to make things on my own and that has helped me with some of my food problems, but I've gotten lazy and uninspired.  But I feel the need to get more fruits/veggies in the kids diets.  I also struggle making Gwen's lunches, so I started looking at some websites tonight, and now I've stayed up too late pouring over these darn beautiful food pictures on a random website instead of writing my grocery list and going to bed. Let's just say the next couple recipes coming out of this kitchen will be likely from that website, I hope they are as good as they look!  Sometimes you never know where the inspiration is going to hit you...hopefully it will continue through the holidays and beyond! 

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